Monday, October 8, 2012

1st Quarter Progress Reports: Update

     I have to admit that so far the game (class) has been going smoother than first anticipated and the players also "bought in" immediately. However, I have had not implemented all of the aspects of the game as of yet. The reason all aspects have not yet introduced was a decision based on a possible "too much, too soon" concern for my players. The game aspects I have put off are: Team Raids (presentations), leader board (avatar points earned listing), studio bucks (homework pass, etc), and the opportunity for extra XP by singing up for a production meeting (extra help). The students have been achieving points in the game and have also been retaining the information seemingly faster and deeper than previous years using this model which I will discuss later.
     The game aspects that I have been using for the first 5 weeks of the class are: awarding extra XP for turning in assignments early, the opportunity for the avatars to redo any quest, boss, or crafting assignment they wish to gain higher XP, and also earning XP by simply attending the class. My players have been constantly turning their work early and interacting with the game throughout the day because it is available through the game LMS. Some players have even begun to come up with a strategy where they craft (write) at home and accomplish their quests (projects) during the class period.
     The grades are still a pretty wide range, but this time I do not have the number of students in danger of failing the 1st quarter as I have in the past. The number grades range from 70% - 104% in one class and 61% - 106% in the other. The students also at in attendance regularly and even email me of their absence at times in order to earn at least some XP for that class. I have also noticed that as earned XP is posted players go back and retry to earn more XP for that quest or craft. Level Bosses (multiple choice reviews) can also be attempted and my players have all retried each to earn higher XP. That tells me that they have motivation to get a higher grade but they are also attempting to "beat" that level boss.
      I am looking forward to watching the players continue in the game and will be posting what I observe more frequently.